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What “Uniform” Means to the SMB

Paige “Athena” Haddas

Spartan Marching Band Drum Major

The Spartan Marching Band’s polished look is part of its identity. Every detail, from polished instruments to ironed sleeves, is important. These uniforms are not just about appearance—they represent the band’s values of discipline, unity, and tradition. 

But what exactly makes the SMB look so unified? What goes into the game day look that fans have come to expect every Saturday?


The Fabric

The Spartan Marching Band has a long history with uniforms, starting all the way back when Michigan State was still Michigan Agricultural College. The SMB, originally a cadet military band, wore traditional ROTC uniforms for nearly 80 years, but starting in 1952 the band has donned variations of the striking green and white that MSU fans are accustomed to today.

Starting in 1985, the band has had a relatively consistent look featuring a green jacket with a visible central seam, green pants, and a hat with the SMB shield logo. The ‘90s saw the addition of a white jacket and the “two jacket” system remained in place until the 2023 season when the band debuted the most recent iteration of the uniforms which feature the following components:

  • The traditional forest green pants

  • The traditional white hat with the shield logo

  • A white jacket with large silver buttons

  • A reversible plaque that attaches to the jacket, creating a seamless look, and features a green side and a white side

The current uniforms may be a departure from the past 40 years, but the SMB sported removable plaques from 1964 to 1974, allowing the band to have two looks with only one jacket. However, the 2023 callback uniforms have innovated on their predecessors as they now allow the band to have distinctive three looks: white plaque, green plaque, no plaque.


The Equipment

The hornline is provided with identical silver-plated instruments that not only give the band a cohesive look, but also a unified sound. All members of the hornline are required to polish these instruments before every game to ensure there are no fingerprints or smudges visible.

Members of the band that do not carry a horn are uniform within their own section. The drumline carries glittering silver and black drums, with the bass drums being emblazoned with a spartan helmet. The Big Ten Flags carry uniformly designed flags for every school in the conference. The color guard has a variety of “silks” that they spin on game days, but always spin their classic green flag with a spartan helmet on it during series and the Adams Field performance.


The Details

The physical uniform and equipment may be the things that fans notice first, but the small details that SMB members pay attention to ensure that the band looks completely unified. The following is a small fraction of some of the rules that every member must follow to maintain proper uniform protocol:

  • Hair must be worn so that it does not touch the ears and collar of the uniform

  • Piercings and tattoos must not be visible or covered

  • Sunglasses or transition prescription glasses are not permitted

  • Cell phones may not be used while in uniform 

The Spartan Marching Band’s uniform is much more than clothing—it’s a symbol of pride and discipline. Through detailed protocols for appearance and care, band members maintain the high standards expected of one of the most recognized collegiate marching bands in the nation. As they perform on game days, their uniform continues to be a powerful representation of MSU’s spirit and musical excellence.


With love to our new uniforms and Spartan Fans,


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