The Spartan Marching Band Feature Twirlers are one of the visual sections in the marching band that performs during pregame, halftime, and postgame. Our twirlers come from all over the country and are considered some of the most talented performers both on the field and in competition. During every performance, the twirlers proudly continue carrying out traditions from the 1970s while also incorporating the most current twirling trends and tricks to visually complement the theme of the show played by the Spartan Marching Band each week.

During a one week show, the twirlers learn all of their drill and choreography in 1-2 days

Before every performance, our feature twirlers and drum major will all stand together and perform “one last drop” of their batons to ensure a no-drop performance on the field! They then continue the twirling tradition of a pinky good luck and hug before running onto the field to perform.